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All Photographers Will Meet This Toxic Person One Day

10/01/2024 ISO 1200 Magazine 0 Comments

Photography is not just a technical skill; it's an art form deeply tied to personal vision, creativity, and expression. However, like many other creative fields, photographers often face toxic criticism. This type of feedback doesn't help them grow; instead, it discourages and sometimes stifles their artistic journey. 

Understanding Toxic Criticism in Photography

Have you ever taken a photograph you were genuinely proud of, only for someone to tear it down with harsh, unconstructive comments? This is an all-too-common experience for photographers, whether they are beginners or seasoned professionals. The "gatekeepers" often come out of nowhere, ready to impose their rigid standards on what constitutes good photography. Their comments may seem authoritative but often come from a place of insecurity or an outdated understanding of the craft.

The Psychology of the "gatekeepers"

So why do these "gatekeepers" act the way they do? It's essential to realize that their negative comments are often more about them than they are about your work. Many of these individuals cling to traditional techniques and rules because it makes them feel comfortable or validated. When they see others breaking these so-called "rules" or experimenting creatively, it threatens their narrow view of photography.

In this video, Alex Kilbee will explore how toxic criticism manifests in photography, why it exists, and how photographers can effectively handle it.

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About The Photographic Eye:

The Photographic Eye is a channel created by Alex and dedicated to helping you discover more about the art and history of photography, so you can become a better photographer. 
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Text, images and video via The Photographic Eye