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5 Things You Should Know About Flash Photography

8/08/2024 ISO 1200 Magazine 0 Comments

Flash photography can be daunting, especially for beginners. But don't let the technical jargon scare you off! With the right knowledge and practice, you can harness the power of flash to create stunning images. Let's demystify flash photography and explore the essential techniques to help you capture captivating shots.

1. Understanding TTL: Your Flash's Built-in Brain

One of the most significant advancements in flash photography is TTL (Through-the-Lens) metering. This technology allows your camera to measure the light coming through the lens and automatically adjust the flash output accordingly. It's like having a built-in light meter for your flash! TTL is a game-changer, especially in fast-paced situations where you don't have time to manually adjust settings.

2. Flash Diffusers: A Double-Edged Sword

Flash diffusers are often touted as a must-have accessory. While they can soften the harsh light produced by a flash, their effectiveness depends on the environment. Indoors, where light can bounce off walls and ceilings, a diffuser can create a softer, more flattering light. However, outdoors, where there are fewer reflective surfaces, a diffuser's impact is minimal.

3. Master the Inverse Square Law

To truly understand flash photography, you need to grasp the inverse square law. This principle states that the intensity of light decreases as the square of the distance increases. In simpler terms, the farther your subject is from the flash, the less light it receives. Understanding this law is crucial for correctly exposing your background when using flash.

4. Bounce Your Way to Better Lighting

Bounce lighting is a technique that involves pointing your flash at a reflective surface, such as a ceiling or wall, to create a softer, more diffused light. It's a fantastic way to mimic the effect of a softbox without carrying bulky equipment. By bouncing the light, you can create a more natural and flattering look for your subjects.

5. Direct Flash: The Underdog

While often dismissed as harsh and unflattering, direct flash can be a powerful tool when used creatively. By understanding how to control the light, you can achieve dramatic effects or use direct flash as fill light outdoors to balance the exposure.


Flash photography offers a world of creative possibilities. By mastering the fundamentals of TTL, understanding diffusers, applying the inverse square law, utilizing bounce lighting, and experimenting with direct flash, you can elevate your photography to new heights. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't be afraid to experiment and find your own unique style.


About Ed Verosky

I’m a photographer specializing in creative portraiture.  I also teach portraiture and lighting techniques encouraging the use of less gear and more creativity to get the job done. In my experience, connecting with the subject and having fun with the process results in more interesting pictures.I want to help you become a better, happier photographer. Let's Get Connected: | Instagram  | Subscribe to his YouTube channel:

Image and video via  Ed Verosky