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Street photography w/Fuji's new medium format

10/21/2023 Matt 0 Comments


In the ever-evolving world of technology, September is a month of anticipation, with new tech announcements. This year, our protagonist, Tyler Stalman,  found himself in Stockholm, Sweden, at Fuji's X Summit, where the star of the show was the Fujifilm GFX100 II – a medium format camera poised to redefine the genre.

The GFX100 II, part of the renowned GFX series, showcases a stunning 102-megapixel sensor, making it the talk of the town. Traditionally, medium format cameras were admired for their image quality but often deemed slow and less versatile than full-frame counterparts. However, Fujifilm is challenging these stereotypes head-on with the GFX100 II.

In conclusion, the Fujifilm GFX100 II  represents a significant leap forward in medium-format photography. It offers exceptional image quality, versatility, and speed, making it an appealing choice for both professionals and enthusiasts. Fujifilm has redefined the expectations for medium format cameras, and the GFX100 II  is a game-changer poised to leave an indelible mark on the world of photography.

About Tyler Stalman:

Professional photographer & cinematographer with an endless love of gear, technology and style. Let's Get Connected: | Listen to the podcast | Twitter | Instagram

Images and video via Tyler Stalman