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Do I Regret Buying the Pixii? One Year Review

9/12/2024 ISO 1200 Magazine 0 Comments


The Pixii camera made a splash upon its arrival. A rangefinder with a sleek design, a focus on monochrome photography, and a minimalist approach – it piqued the curiosity of photographers worldwide. But a year later, the question remains: is the Pixii a must-have, or a niche curiosity? In this in-depth YouTube review by James Warner, a photographer who's had the Pixii for a year offers a refreshingly honest and nuanced perspective.

The Final Take: A Niche Gem (But a Gem Nonetheless)

The Pixii isn't a perfect camera – it's a niche option for photographers seeking a unique monochrome experience. But its limitations can force you to become a better photographer, developing your composition skills and learning to appreciate the beauty of simplicity. So, if you're a photography enthusiast seeking a new challenge, the Pixii might just be the camera to spark a creative awakening.

Image and video James Warner