Pasty smashes: Behind-the-scenes shots of #CakeAngry project
Quick cut-together of some behind-the-scenes shots of #CakeAngry, featuring pasty smashes on the train platform, East River Park, and a taxi cab windshield.
Our friend Geoff Levy (website) explains more about this personal project:
About a month ago, I was on a photo shoot for a certain celebrity (think reality TV, cakes, and Hoboken, NJ). While we were given FOURTY cakes to work with, we only ended up using three in the setups, leaving me stuck with this plethora of pastries.
I debated delivering the rejected desserts to the dumpster when it dawned on me—I could be frustrated at the waste and inefficiency, or I could channel this into something greater. What better catharsis than smashing cake? Consequently, #CakeAngry was born.
The Concept: Real “New Yorkers” inducing explosions of beautiful lumps of frosting and colorful sprinkles against NYC backdrops. This series is my homage to those frustrating, wasteful instances of living in the city, pent up then purged via punting, punching, judo-chopping, and smashing into taxi windshields..
More info about this project at :
Thanks Geoff!!!

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