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Gradient Filter: A New Cool Brush Trick with Adobe Camera Raw 8.6

10/01/2014 ISO 1200 Magazine 1 Comments

A few weeks back there was a major update on Adobe Camera Raw. You now have the possibility of fine-tuning your gradient or radial filter by taking out or adding brush strokes.

This is a big deal because you can darken the sky without darkening buildings that are in the middle and can add sunsets without affecting everything in the photo. A very handy update for landscape photos.

Serge Ramelli will also show you a cool trick to repair any distortion if the Camera Raw didn't succeed.

Text, image and video via Serge Ramelli


Unknown said...

I downloaded the Adobe Camera Raw 8.6, and test it out. I don't see any "brush" tab at all, all i see is "new" and "edit" that is it. How did that get "brush" tool? I am using windows 7 and Adobe CS6. Can you please clarify, I think people are getting confusing. Cause you are showing the brush tricks but no one actually can see it and use it.