The Making of a Celebrity Portrait by Wet Plates Maestro Ian Ruhter
Wet plates maestro Ian Ruhter has released a new project with the help of Profoto to share with you "The Making of a Celebrity Portrait"
Based on who this person is I knew I would scrutinize this image far more than any other portrait that I had ever made. During this project "The Making of a Celebrity Portrait," it redefined how I view celebrities. It made me question if celebrity culture influenced us so greatly that we want to be portrayed like them. In a world that revolves around social networking and selfies I started wondering what these images really say about us.
NOW IT’S YOUR TURN. I’m asking you to include a photograph of yourself for this project. The idea is to collect many images so we can create one picture of who we really are. On Instagram, #iamthecelebrity with a portrait of you. Follow @ian_ruhter and @Profotoglobal for project updates. All month long we’ll be cataloguing and commenting on these images. Once this is done we’ll create the final project—stay tuned for updates!
Text and video via Ian Ruhter : Alchemist and Profoto
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