Light Painting Photography in commercial studio: First Experience with Broncolor Light Brush
Few days ago I've got Broncolor Light Brush, and this is my hands-on video review, where I demonstrate one of the ways to use Light Painting Photography in commercial studio.There are many of cool examples of light painting with flashlight or fire outdoors, but I want to shot you the possibilities of using light painting photography in commercial studio projects.
The biggest advantage of this particular light brush from Broncolor is that it is basically a strobe light, and the color temperature matches other broncolor strobe lighting. It opens the whole new world of uses it in the studio for a product shots.
This is my first "hands-on" review of the broncolor Light Brush, and soon I am going to show you more serious and more advanced tutorials on how light painting photography technique can be utilized in studio product photography.
This is the First video of Light Painting Photography (chair), watch more on the full post:

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